During my thrid year at the engineer school of Agrosup Dijon, I have decided to follow the research Master MP² in parallel of my speciality BIOMIFA. This double degree allowed me to acquire more precise knowledge and pratical skills about microbiology.
It also allowed me to have a wider vision of microbiology and how it could be applied. Indeed during this master we saw how microbiology could be applied to food products (such as wine in particular,) but also how it can be applied in environmental fields. We also developped critical thinking about food preservation processes in regards with environmental, economic and innovation aspects.
This master also allowed me to meet different speakers from different fields which was very important to develop even more my curiosity!
So if you are interested in research and you want another view of microbiology applied to food concept you should join this master!!

After graduating as a food engineer specialized in R&D, I wanted to continue my studies with a master's year in food physicochemistry (MP²). This choice was obvious to me since after doing research projects during my engineering courses, I knew that I had to further specialize in analytical techniques and research applied to food.
The master MP2 brought me much more knowledge on these techniques.
The research project on algae was also an effective way to learn how to carry out protocols, to make a state of art and to present results.
Finally, the 6months internship, which is necessarily oriented "applied research“, allowed me to directly integrate the field of research and, this by the beginning of a thesis in 2020.