The third semester of the MP2 Masters programme primarily consists in a scientific project work, which actually is the first research project students will dive in at the start of the semester. Indeed, apart from
One is specialised in the field of food and wine physical-chemistry and microbiology, while the other deals with consumer sciences and the food choices determinants. Both allow AgroSup Dijon to complete its « research » training offer
This week and next week the Master Thesis Denfense for the second years of the MP2 masters will take place. In doing so, will be held on the 24th of June at 2 P.M. the
MP² : master Microbiologie et Physicochimie pour les Procédés alimentaires et viticoles
MP² is a 2 year, course-based, full-time international research Master’s Degree focused on Microbiology and physico-chemistry applied to food and wine processes. This master aims at training future researchers and managers of the food and wine science and industry.
To learn more about the master go to the presentation tab.